MSPnet Blog: “Teach For America: The view from where you are”
posted January 16, 2015 – by Brian Drayton
Teach for America, about 25 years old, recruits college graduates, gives them 5 weeks’ training over the summer, and then assigns them to 2-year stints in K-12 education. About a third of its annual operating budget is funded by taxpayer money (federal, state, and local), additional funds coming from philanthropy and other sources.
During its early years, TFA was widely praised, and seen as akin in spirit to Peace Corps/Americorps, providing a conduit for idealistic young people to make a positive contribution to under-resourced schools (especially rural and inner-city). These were areas where recruitment of new teachers was a chronic problem, and the TFA program fit nicely with the growing fad for “alternative certification” programs being tried out around the country.
The evidence about the quality of TFA instructors has been mixed, and there has always been some discomfort (at least) that schools which typically have seen a lower proportion of good-quality teachers are the ones receiving TFA students with no real qualifications except good will.
New trends have emerged– TFA now places about 1/3 of its corps members in charter schools; more and more of the TFA placements are in districts where there is no teacher shortage, and the schools are better-resourced. Indeed, in some places, there is evidence that cheaper TFA placements are displacing more experienced teachers. (The Hechinger Report and the Nation published an investigative piece on TFA last spring, which can be read here, which provides a useful introduction to some current issues. See here for a September article describing how TFA in Mississippi has learned from its experience and is finding new ways to support challenged schools there, in collaboration with other community-betterment groups. ) Training for recruits is being increased.
Some districts (e.g. Durham, N.C.) and at least one state have terminated their TFA arrangements; recruitment is sharply down.
I find it interesting to see the range of reactions to this program, from gratitude and praise to mistrust or criticism. Evidence of student impact is, as mentioned, equivocal. Some of the positive benefits of TFA for school systems seem to come from the proportion of recruits who use TFA as a stepping stone into education, seeking certification and further education while remaining in the teaching profession.
But as I follow the stories around the Web, I begin to wonder if Teach for America, like so many features of the modern policy landscape, is yet another “Rorschach test”— we see roughly what we expect or hope to.
So I’m curious: Has TFA been a presence where you work? Has it helped? Hurt? Neither? Both? What have you seen, and what do you know?
Teach for America
posted by: Martha Syed on 1/23/2015 11:12 am
I feel based on my general understanding of the TFA is positive and it has filled a void where needed, but I can understand how you can end up having the same problem if there is not enough well trained and educated personnel. If they aren't given enough time and space to truly understand their learning and knowledge in the public school setting and apply it properly according to the communities needs; I think if its truly used properly for its true intentions it can be an awesome program and employment filler. OF course if you start out wrong you will end up wrong and the ones that are affected are t he parents and students living in the community. I hope this helps your research and study of this area of question. Sorry for my late delay in reviewing this, I hate answering something in haste. Take care!!
Teach for America: The view from Detroit
posted by: Jennifer Lewis on 1/24/2015 8:10 pm
My biggest concern, though, has to do with what TFA and The New Teacher Project and other such "pipeline" teacher education programs are doing to the profession, not just their immediate effects in schools. The idea that a teacher can be prepared for the work of teaching in 7 weeks, without an apprenticeship with a high-quality preceptor in the field, conveys that there really is nothing to know in order to be a teacher. This has made it harder to attract people who see teaching work as a serious career choice and worth investing in for the long haul. Contrast this with teacher preparation in the world's best systems (Japan; Finland; Singapore) where teachers are highly regarded, decently compensated, and who experience rigorous training. TFA and TNTP get bodies into classrooms quickly, but in the long run we are undermining the stature of the profession, not to mention the quality of instruction.
Revisiting data on TFA in 2014
posted by: Brian Drayton on 1/28/2015 12:27 pm
Still, I find it more troubling as evidence about how ed policy understands the issues facing American education. There is an a priori assumption that this kind of intervention will be a big improvement, and on that basis large resources are made available. But no care has been taken to build an evidence base, or treat the intervention as an experiment meriting careful attention and evaluation. I hate to resort to cultural buzz words, but in this as in so many of the education "reforms" implemented, we see evidence of "epistemic closure" -- commitment to something primarily on the basis of theory, in ways that are impervious to evidence and inquiry.
None of this negates the evidence that some TFA teachers stay in the program, stay in teaching, go through the prep needed for certification,and become effective teachers. For this, we can only be grateful. Is it an effect of TFA? Does this mean that TFA is justifiable as a mechanism for new-teacher induction and retention?
Epistemic closure
posted by: Andy Zucker on 1/29/2015 12:11 pm
Good intentions
posted by: Louise Wilson on 1/30/2015 7:25 am
Suddenly it became a path to teaching without the learning. It became a way for districts to save money - why hire a teacher when you can get a warm body for essentially no cost? The road to hell indeed.
I told my district that when I saw the high schools start at 9am I would believe they were interested in "data-driven design." Still waiting....(7:30am start,some of my kids have to leave home at 5:30am to make it.)
Algebra for all
posted by: F. Joseph Merlino on 1/30/2015 8:18 am
If by algebra one means the study of relations patterns and functions, that is the idea of association of two variables where one can be predicted by knowing the other than I would think the vast majority of semi functioning American legislators would say "yes", all should understand such things. When and to what degree should be an empirical question but on face it would seem to vary by the child.
Good intentions....
posted by: Brian Drayton on 2/2/2015 3:59 pm
I am reminded of a quote attributed to Dewey (though I think it's a paraphrase): Education is not preparation for life, it IS life. The point being that when education is construed principally as an instrument of policy (policy of other kinds, e.g. economics, national security, or whatever), then educational values are subordinated, and "evidence" is evaluated with this instrumental purpose in mind, so that "collateral damage" and outright failure are ignored...
post updated by the author 2/2/2015 Why TFA isn't as popular as it used to be
posted by: Brian Drayton on 2/18/2015 11:44 am
However,it's also true that with the rapid expansion of the program, more scrutiny and criticism of the TFA model has appeared, of the sorts that we've seen mentioned in this discussion forum. TFA has not been very effective in countering these criticisms, and as a result potential recruits have been discouraged.
For the full story see